Thursday 27 June 2019

Post Number 69 – A New Future Emerging

Nearly twelve months have past since I last wanted to share any aspect of my life with the world. My constant cries of “no, I am NOT ok” went unheard or ignored leaving me depressed and wondering what my purpose in life really was. Sure, I had an amazing son who I love more than life itself, but was that enough to get me out of bed each day?
My pain and fatigue continued to destroy my quality of life and while acupuncture gave me some relief, it was not enough to keep me feeling well. I continued on my quest to uncover what was causing my ill-health. I went to more practitioners, doctors and specialists seeking answers. Each time, thinking, yes, this is it, only to find out that it wasn’t.
As the first semester ended in July, I had run out of options and run out of class-room opportunities to learn. My days of classrooms and exams were over and soon I would be in our clinic rooms seeing clients with real health issues, just like my own. The thought of this was paralysing. If I couldn’t fix myself, how I could I help others? But then, no other practitioner could help me either!
I decided the only thing I could do, was to take a holiday. A break from life, study and thoughts of the future. I spent weeks organising for a house sitter, a dog sitter and respite care for Mum. The night before we were due to leave, I had no energy left to even pack our bags. To finally fire-up the old girl and drive out the driveway was a feat of epic proportions.
Sebastian and I headed for Mt Gambier, followed by The Great Ocean road. I had serviced the old girl who also needed new tyres and several thousand dollars later, it seemed our holiday would have to be on a tight budget. But it didn’t matter, we had each other and everyone was cared for, so we could relax and enjoy the journey.
From the Great Ocean Road we travelled inland to Sovereign Hill to experience the magical Christmas in July celebrations. It was such an amazing experience and we both felt extreme happiness. The two weeks went by at lightning speed and before long we were back home and back to reality. I now had a week to prepare for my next Endeavour experience-working in clinic as a student nutritionist practitioner.
I organized as much as I could, but nothing could really prepare me for the intensity of this environment. The time pressures, all the different procedures, restrictions, supplementations, computer systems and operational know-hows completely overwhelmed me. I fell apart several times in the first weeks as supervisors yelled at me for not managing my time correctly or for not asking the right questions or for not red-flagging a client file and following protocol. Never in my life had I felt so incompetent and yet, I knew that I wasn’t, but I couldn’t find my feet or calm my nerves. Every mistake I made confirming that I wasn’t cut out for this work and I was close to quitting.
By mid-semester I had seen a few clients, several of them with quite complex health issues. I had begun unpacking their life and health journeys and started identifying the underlying factors driving their ill-health.
By the second half of the semester, clients were returning with improvements in their conditions and pathology reports that reflected my suspicions. I started identifying heavy metal toxicity in several of my clients as well as myself. The more I researched, the more I found on how toxicity effects bodily functions such as the liver, the thyroid, brain health, weight and iron levels. In helping my clients, I began to see the potential answers to my own health challenges and the path forward started to unfold.
As the semester finished, I had my three supervisors review my clinical performance and I was blown away with their positive comments and their high grading of my work. I was told that I had gone above and beyond and obviously worked hard on researching and piecing together the health of my clients. For me, I was just glad that I could make a difference in someone’s life and that all these years of study was beginning to amount to something significant.
With the semester ended and no exams to study for, I was free to breathe, reflect and look forward to a visit from my beloved Cousin from Germany. I spent my days planning special events, gatherings and ways to show her our beautiful state. Her three weeks were full of laughs, spontaneous singing and constant joy and it was one of the most special Christmas’s I had ever experienced. We talked about holistic health, organic food and our modern world of processed food and disease. We talked about health retreats, yoga and meditation and we learned and discussed a future that “could be”.