Tuesday 16 March 2021

Post Number 76 – Going…Going…OMG- it’s gone!

Recollecting myself after the year that no one will ever forget, I was ready to go full steam ahead again, only this time a little more mindfully, determined not to find myself in the burnout camp again. New clients came and the clients from last year checked in and continued their health journeys. Excellent, so far so good. Now to find a new premises, but what would I look for? Another clinic room in an established practice, or could I do better?

When driving home from Mount Gambier just before Christmas, I began having thoughts, ideas and visions. The thought of setting myself up again in a new location, not very appealing at all. Finding the right location, the right space and let’s not forget the cost of rent. I had my existing clients to consider, and also needed to ensure I attracted new cliental.

One very important aspect of running any business, is ensuring you are across your accounting, your balance sheet and your profit & loss. Knowing your overheads, and how much you needed to make in order to cover your costs, and make enough to draw a wage, imperative to the longevity and success of any business. Well, unfortunately, this was a major problem for me. At the start of the business, I had decided to use an accounting package called Quickbooks, to help me manage and report the financial health of the business, while my Clinic software took care of the day to day invoicing of services and goods. Data would flow from one system, seamlessly into the other, with the goal of being able to view accounting statistics and tax obligations at any given time. Instead, what I had was a jumbled mess, and I had no clue how to drive the software or understand what on earth was happening. My accountant first tried teaching me how to use the system, but soon he stopped taking my calls or answering my ever increasing emails, so I changed accountants.

Excitedly I showed my new accountant how my system was setup, and she began giving me the training I had been seeking, but soon, it seemed things were still not right. Again I asked questions and couldn’t understand why my accounting system had such different figures from my practice software. Months went by and when I could, I spent hours and hours trying to figure out what was happening. My accountant also tried her best to figure things out, but also came out blank. I spent hundreds of dollars on the problem and still the figures between the two systems were out by thousands of dollars. In the end, my accountant told me to take the matter up with Quickbooks helpdesk support. I felt like I had been fobbed off and I couldn’t have been angrier, but I made the call. By this stage, my nerves were absolutely shot and I was on a knifes edge. Without these systems working together, I had no hope of planning my business any further, and I was ready to throw it all away, the stress and frustration just too much to bare.

I knew the Quickbooks support was off-shore, so this put me even more on edge, but I needn’t have worried, as within ten minutes, the problem had been fixed. One very simple and small setting was all it took to allow me to fix the problems that had been plaguing me for months. One by one, I fixed and reconciled the two systems, taking the entire day, but so satisfied to finally see the two systems match, and a Profit & Loss Report that actually truly reflected how my business had been performing. Now I could make plans, restructure my pricing and present myself as an established practitioner with automated processes and workflows.

One evening as I scrolled through social media, a post caught my eye. It was a property for sale and a real estate friend of mine was the agent. Hmmmm, this building looked familiar and it certainly was. It was the corner shop where I used to live, before I moved in with my best friend and later husband, Mark. I felt compelled to look at it, and I wondered what a property like this would sell for. It was half residential and half commercial. Looking at the floor plan, it seemed to have lots of potential and it would be open for inspection at 5.30pm the next day. “Wouldn’t hurt to have a look”, I thought, and besides, I could say “Hi” to my friend.

As I walked through the property, I noticed the high volume of peak hour, bumper to bumper traffic flowing past and thought this could be a good investment. The rooms and flooring were solid and in good condition, but there were also many aspects that needed attention. One could say, “A diamond in the rough”, very rough, but not impossible. Being someone who has done a lot of renovation over my lifetime, I am not frightened at the prospect of picking up a paintbrush or negotiating with a tradie. I left the property ponding and wondering, “Could I make this work?”

Now that my accounts were in order, I could see clearly the impact that rent had on my bottom line. Thousands of dollars spent on just having a room to practice out of. Of course, this was money well spent, especially as I was establishing myself in a new industry and having referrals from other practitioners, priceless. But it felt uncomfortable to complete another year of paying someone else’s mortgage. If I bought a property of my own, I could manage it my way, rent to practitioners that I hand picked, and that complemented my business and my clients. A practice that included different styles of addressing mental health, as well as skeletal adjustment practitioners and acupuncture. Then having the ability to offer community support groups, information sessions and events based on “living your best life”. “What could possibly go wrong?

I viewed the property three more times, each time with different people who I knew would give me honest advice. At the same time, I attempted to gain finance. More and more encouragement from the people I showed through, and more and more doors slamming in my face when it came to getting finance. The value of the property as an investment was unanimous, the amount of renovation extensive but not impossible, and the option of a bank loan a solid “No”.  It was Wednesday afternoon and as I picked Sebastian up from basketball practice, the last mortgage broker called me with another solid but sympathetic “No”. Arriving home, I sat on the steps, unable to walk into the house. I needed to think. I needed to call someone. I needed to talk it through. The auction was Saturday morning, what could I do in just a couple of days?

Then a voice in my head said, “Ring your Solicitor”. By this stage it was nearly six o’clock and I only had his work number, but I rang it anyway. To my surprise, he answered. We chatted and I explained my situation. He listened and asked questions, while he too thought about ways he could help me. We talked for what seemed like an hour and he promised me, he would get back to me before the close of the business week. He had two days, what could he possibly do in that time? Why did I even ring him? But I had become obsessed about the property and I couldn’t stop thinking about it, planning the renovations and discussing it with tradies and fellow practitioners who had expressed interest in joining me.

It was four o’clock in the afternoon, the day before auction day, and the phone rang. It was my solicitor and he had good news for me. He had found a private investor who was willing to take a chance on me and lend me the money I had originally asked of the bank. Of course it was at double the interest, and it was an interest only loan, but when I did the calculations, I could still make it work. I was shocked and speechless, especially when he added that he would attend the auction with me to support me and keep me from being too excited! I laughed and thanked him wholeheartedly for his support.

That night, I felt invincible. Mark and I always had a saying when we worked together in the IT industry, “The impossible we can do, Miracles however, just take a little longer!” Well, it seemed like he was waving his magic Angel dust once more, providing me the resources I needed, when I needed them. “Deep breath sister, you got this”, I told myself.

Surprisingly, I slept solidly through the night as I dreamed and visualised the perfect practice, where practitioners greeted each other and worked together for the good of the cliental and the community. A place of warmth, healing, love and information sharing. It was the most wonderful vision, and I was ready to commit myself to it 100%.

My first task of the day was to take Sebastian into the city, so he could sit for a series of three tests, aimed at identifying left-brain thinkers and innovators at the Botanic High School. We arrived later than planned, but sure enough, the closest park to the school had been reserved for us. “Thank you my Angels”, I whispered, as I smiled and hugged my boy tight. Some final words of encouragement and away he went, yellow envelope in hand, into the big beautiful building surrounded by ancient old trees, my heart bursting with pride, no matter what the outcome.

I arrived at the property, registered to bid at the auction, and found my solicitor. We strategized, talked and I committed to my bidding limits. Before long, the auction started and the formalities were over quickly before the bidding began. It took less than five minutes for my limit to be reached and exceeded, and I hadn’t even put in a bid! My heart and brain were being pulled in all directions. Should I bid? Maybe just $1,000. But we were already $15,000 over my limit, but maybe it would be okay, it just meant less money for renovations and perhaps I could still make it work. I whispered to my solicitor, “perhaps I should put in a bid”, but before he could answer, it was too late. Going once, twice, SOLD!!

I was speechless, shocked beyond words. But this was MY property. I had all the signs from the Angels and the Universe. I had white feathers fall in my line of sight every time I attended the property; I had finance when I was told I could not have a loan; I had tradies lined up and practitioners ready to move in. This just couldn’t be happening. But it was, and it DID happen. The property was gone, sold from underneath me. 

It wasn’t until the next day that the weight of my loss really hit hard. I started the day looking for other properties or clinic rooms to rent, buy, beg or borrow and just came up blank every time. I was frustrated and in total disbelief. I did some much-needed gardening, but after only a few hours, I started to feel weak and ill. I came inside, showered and went to bed. A wave of grief hit me, as my body ached all over. I sobbed hard and long over my loss and every loss I had ever endured. I had nothing left to give this world, I had put it all into this property.

So now I am back to square one, only much much wiser. I have support. I have contacts. I have regained my strength and my pity party is over. My Big Girl Pants are back on, and it’s time to ask the Universe and my Angels again for what comes next. I certainly don’t have the answer at this stage, but I do know, that staying in a place of grief, regret and anger at myself for freezing at the final moment, is not going to benefit me going forward. So…let’s go forward…