Thursday 25 February 2016

Post Number 51 - Feeling the Lows

I don’t even know how to start this entry.  Heck, it took every ounce of strength to even get myself to my computer and start writing.  I can’t remember a time in my life ever feeling so low, so checked out, so over life itself.  This week has been the worst by far. 

Back at College again and in to some quite heavy study, I thought I would start to feel that passion and sense of purpose again. Things were going so well and I felt like I was getting my groove back.  Mum settled in well and I had been planning meals and cooking great healthy food, ensuring servings for Mum were also in the planning, as she enjoys her main meal in the middle of the day, while we enjoy ours in the evening. 
In fact, things had been going so well, we all decided to spend the day at the beach last Sunday.  We carried armfuls of stuff to ensure we had adequate shade, seating, food & drink, clothing, towels and toilet facilities.  It was a hard slog for us all and even my 89yo mother had to carry her bags.  But we made it, setup camp and enjoyed the fresh air, cool clean waters and a healthy chicken and salad lunch.

Sebastian has been enjoying being back at school and thriving in his new class.  He has gone up two reading levels in less than four weeks, gone up a level at swimming and has consistently received high scores on his weekly spelling tests.  He is always happy and always ready to give me tons of hugs and kisses, his only demons coming up when he goes to bed at night.  His bedroom has constant reminders of his father.  His teddy bear made completely of Mark’s clothing, the car posters, the angels and the photos are all reminders of what he has lost.  Seeing him cry and pine for his Dad breaks my heart and is so painfully unbearable.  But he manages to find a way through it, sends his Dad a rainbow and is thankful for the butterflies and feathers that he receives each day.

I don’t quite understand why my world has come crashing down around me this week when everything has been going so well.  Maybe it is the lack of problems or distractions that has allowed me to finally really feel the magnitude of the loss.  Maybe it’s the stress of some really heavy content in one of my lectures, a 50% assignment due next week, a mid-year exam in three weeks’ time and a class presentation to prepare and deliver very soon.  I really don’t know why my body will not drop weight when I am eating such a healthy diet.  I also don’t understand why I feel so tired when I sleep solid for seven hours or why I keep waking up at 5am.  I don’t understand why my brain doesn’t function properly, why I seem to stumble so much on the keyboard and say “good-night” to Sebastian when I leave him at school in the morning!  For weeks I keep telling myself that it will get better and I just have to stick with it, but it seems to be getting worse.  I feel so helpless and paralysed, so incapable of making any big decisions and moving forward.  I feel stuck in quick-sand, but rather than calling for help, I just want the ground to swallow me up.

I have no tolerance for incompetence.  When links don’t work on my study notes, or when Centrelink can’t organise the simplest of things like a change of address, when within one organisation, one person tells me one thing and someone else says “oh no, that’s not the case at all”, I just want to scream!  Spelling and grammar mistakes are everywhere and it seems no one cares about anything.  It’s a “that’s good enough” society we live in and it drives me to screaming point.  Just today I watched an interview with two American M.D.’s that I admire greatly.  Dr David Perlmutter (author of Grain Brain & Brain Maker) and Dr Christine Northrup (countless books about women’s health).  They spoke of the things that I am passionate about when it comes to good health.  The gut microbiome, eating high fat foods over low fat, eating a lower carb diet and the scientific evidence that backs up all these things.  Christine mentioned that over 40% of people who have heart attacks do NOT have high cholesterol and yet we are constantly told by the media, by doctors and by literature that is put out by government health departments, that we should eat low fat, take statin drugs and lower our cholesterol and stop eating so many calories.  I sobbed and sobbed as I listened to them talk as I knew and understood their words to be true in Australia as it is in the U.S.  I look around me and everyone seems to be eating unhealthy, processed, packaged high carbohydrate, high sugar foods and I think to myself, I don’t know if I can really compete with all this.  It’s just too overwhelming, just too big a problem.  It seems the more I learn and the more my eyes are opened, the more I just want to close them and crawl back under the covers. Learning about vitamin supplements and how one vitamin stops the absorption of another, but they are sold together in a multi or combination supplement, seems absolutely ludicrous to me.  Surely these companies know this and yet they are allowed to sell them, even when they know they will have little to no effect.  How on earth is the average consumer supposed to know that Zinc is an antagonist to Vit C, when they are sold together in a tablet form or powdered form, labelled as “high dose” and charge you extra for this higher dose?  Who knew that slow cooking meat over several hours, depletes most if not all of the Vit B12 that the meat originally had before it hit the slow cooker?

It’s true, I feel in a state of hopelessness, a state of despair.  Maybe if I didn’t care so much, life would be easier. But I guess I just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other, in the hope that something will present itself to make it all worthwhile and meaningful.  Grief is something that doesn’t ever go away, it’s just something you learn to live with.  I still have a lot of learning to do in this area….a lot of learning.  There is no exam for this, no facts or figures, no set way that it will happen, it just manifests however it wants to for each individual that is going through it.  I’m not ashamed to say “I hate it”.  For a great part of my life I had been unhappy, felt unwanted, unloved and for eight amazing years I felt what it was like to be truly happy to the core, and now I have to learn how to live without this deep feeling of unhappiness yet again. 

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