Tuesday 23 October 2012

Post Number 5 - The Lab Results

A few more days of miracle healing have passed and with talk of an early release from hospital, spirits are moving upward.  The agonising wait for lab results needed much distraction.  Sebastian and I visited often and took him out of his room to get fresh air and some exercise.  He would walk some of the way and then hop into the wheelchair with Sebastian perched up front and me pushing from behind.  The fresh air and frequent visits seem to help, but the unknown results continued to loom over our heads like a black cloud.

I began giving Mark little tasks to do to help train his brain and also occupy him.  I know I am no professional, but I hoped it would help with his confidence or find out what he needed to work on to recover what he might of lost from surgery.

Some word games saw him a little slow at first, but then each game following saw him make more and more words.  He beat me at Noughts and Crosses and proved he could write words both forwards and backwards.  I asked him to explain the steps in how to make a brewed coffee which he easily told me.  He was amazing and I could find no fault.  As I left, I gave him some homework to build an item from Sebastian's mechano set, following the steps in the booklet, and sure enough, that night, he sent me a photograph of the finished product, perfectly built.

I asked Mark if he would like to see some "mates" as I thought it might help for him to see some other men rather than just Sebastian and I.  He agreed and it was organised.  I believe he enjoyed the visit and the boys found a way to have a few laughs. But the black cloud was still hanging above.

I also went out that evening to meet a friend who I had not seen in two years as she had moved to Queensland.  It was such a luxury to get out of the house alone and meet up in Rundle Street.  We talked and talked and I felt we could have talked all night.  She is a special friend who thinks in a similar way to me and she seems to understand me well without judgement. She had also been through some tough times recently and it was hard to say goodbye.  But the evening helped to recharge me and the next morning I felt strong both physically and mentally.

Sebastian and I arrived at the hospital early again so that we could tell the doctors that we wanted our Daddy home right now!!  But we were too late as the doctors had arrived very early to deliver the news we didn't want to hear.  It was a stage 3 tumour with stage 4 being the worst and most aggressive.  Radiation therapy would be required, with chemo therapy not likely as this type of tumour generally does not respond to chemo.  He would need to have the radiation every day (Mon-Fri) for 6 weeks straight.  Then 6 weeks of healing, then another MRI scan to see how it all looks.

Wow...everyday for 6 weeks!  That's a lot isn't it?  I don't know, I have never known anyone going through this.  We shed a few tears but we both felt so strong that they were short lived.  We had each other, our bodies fit and healthy and minds focused on the task at hand.  Mark looked at me with a look of love and a pillar of strength and said, "Ok, Bring it on!"  I smiled and squeezed his hand, so proud of this man I married.

Sebastian and I left the hospital to continue with our routine of Kindermusik.  While he danced and laughed, I rang family, texted neighbours and posted the news on Facebook.  With Sebastian's activity over, I left him with his best mate and returned to the hospital. 

After lunch we went for a walk, this time, without a wheelchair.  This man was fighting fit and ready to go for a hike!  We headed downstairs to the little park area but he wanted to walk more, so down the steps, up the steps, through a staff carpark and up the road we went, up and up the hill.  He was walking strong and not breaking a sweat and even I was puffing a little walking up the hill.  I heard my phone receive a message and I saw a lovely shady tree just ahead and suggested we sit under the tree for a while and rest!  It was lovely just being right away from the hospital and from stupid sick people who were smoking.  I mean, what has to happen before they will give it up??

We chatted and planned and enjoyed the sunshine.  I told him I would set up in the guest rooms for him so he could have peace and quiet, his own bathroom, and his own living room.  This way he could rest when he needed and have visitors or mates over and they can talk blokey things and watch TV or play playstation or even have a jam session with guitars and keyboards.  It would be his own man pad and recovery centre.

That afternoon, as Sebastian slept, I went about creating the "man pad", all the while thinking I had a couple of days to finish it.  But then I received a text from a very happy Mark to say he was being released tomorrow and the staples could be removed by a GP!!  OMG...that was awesome.  I scrubbed and tidied up and cleaned and changed sheets and made those rooms look and feel comfortable, inviting and uncluttered.  I can't wait to bring him home and cook him the healthy fresh meals that I know he loves.  I want to fuss over him and spoil him and love him til he can't take it anymore and I believe he can't wait to be fussed over!!  

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